If your teeth are chipped, worn, crooked, missing, spaced or discolored modern cosmetic dentistry can improve your smile.

In this issue, we will discuss the benefits of enhancing your smile through cosmetic dentistry.

The discipline of Cosmetic Dentistry refers to all techniques used to improve the appearance of your smile. In order to fully diagnose your condition your dentist will have to examine your teeth and gums, with pictures and x-rays and then put together a treatment plan that suits you.

Cosmetic dentistry can help you to achieve a complete smile make over after a comprehensive smile assessment. There have been tremendous advancements in materials and techniques to provide more natural and life-like solutions.

Why Your Smile?

Smiling is a relaxed way to show who you are to the world. Your smile expresses your emotions like happiness, love and contentment. It is also a window of communication into your soul expressing confidence, openness, friendship and approval. A welcoming smile also reflects warmth, contentment good health and self-worth. It can enhance your personal and professional life and inspire others.

Here are seven benefits of cosmetic dentistry that will serve as an introduction:

1.     Restores Appearance

Cosmetic dentistry can quickly and effectively improve the appearance of your teeth, gums and smile. It replaces what is missing while it enhances what is present. This simple process can make a huge difference in your confidence.

2.     Restores Confidence

Patients often admit that their teeth cause them to feel insecure. Sometimes, simple cosmetic procedures can not only improve the appearance of your teeth but can also help shed that insecurity each time when the feeling becomes prevalent. With the latest innovations in technology, your dentist can help you regain or attain that level of confidence you need. The results can be life-changing.

3.     Makes You Look Much Younger

As you get older all of our teeth tend to get worn and become yellow. This is because the outer layer of the tooth- the enamel gets thinner while the inside layer- dentin (which is yellow or beige) gets thicker. The result is a dull coloring when light is transmitted through the tooth.

4.     Improves Overall Health

Eliminating all periodontal diseases with appropriate treatment followed by cosmetic dentistry can help fight off many health issues. Links between heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes have been found to be in direct correlation with your oral health. Cosmetic treatments can help strengthen the teeth, correct bites and bad alignment issues, and improve your overall health.

5.     Improves Diet

Dental problems can negatively impact your entire daily food intake. Having missing or broken teeth can make it difficult to chew certain types of foods. An uneven or improper bite can prevent you from chewing properly, which can lead to digestion issues.

6.     Improves Dental Health

The benefits of cosmetic dentistry procedures go far beyond an improved appearance. Cosmetic treatments also protect your teeth from future dental issues. So, in essence it serves a preventative tool. For example, a dental crown can prevent damaged teeth from deteriorating further and dental implants will keep your gums and jawbone tissue intact.

7.     Saves Money

As a bonus, correcting dental problems early saves you financially. For example, having dental implants or bridges placed in the shortest possible time will protect your bone and prevent teeth from shifting, which will save you from bigger problems down the road.

Most cosmetic treatment are quick and simple with little or no pain. Why wait any further. Visit your friendly dentist and ask for a cosmetic assessment. You can benefit and enjoy long-lasting results. Is your smile worth it to you?

Dr. Kendal V. O. Major is Founder and CEO of Center for Specialized Dentistry which is a comprehensive family dental practice operating in Nassau. He is the first Bahamian Specialist in gum diseases and dental implants since 1989. He also is a certified Fast braces provider. His practice is located at 89 Collins Avenue, Nassau at (242)325-5165 or [email protected].

Top- Before and Bottom-After Cosmetic Dentistry

Before and After Cosmetic Dentistry

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